One Tip – Never Gamble

If there is one advice to give, it is to never gamble! Gambling will bring about poverty in due time when one is addicted to it! There is no end to gambling once a person is addicted. Take my late uncle for instance. He plays 4D and other what-nots by gambling and in the end he had to sell his house to settle his mounting debts. Finally he had to rent a small apartment to stay from a single-storey detached house with garden and rambutan tree with pomelo tree. Another instance was right in my house! My departed granny was a habitual gambler and apparently took jewelry from the house including my gold watch to pawn and get some cash just to gamble! You know the final results! She lost everything! Whatever is of value will go missing in the house. Hence, learn from other people’s lessons of losing hard-earned money by gambling to lose it all instantly.