Aphrodisiac Botanicals with AntiOxidant Potential

Aphrodisiac Botanicals With Antioxidant Potential

Tribulus terrestris is a common botanical ingredient in many male sexual enhancement supplements. But it’s not just an aphrodisiac, the plant is also a source of antioxidants. Like Tribulus terrestris, many medicinal plants traditionally used as aphrodisiacs are now used in the formulation of sex enhancement pills and supplements like Malegenix.

Although these botanicals have risen in popularity due to their potency as libido enhancers, many of these natural aphrodisiacs also contain antioxidants even though they are not exactly marketed for their antioxidant properties. Here’s a comparison of popular aphrodisiac botanicals and their antioxidant potential.

Natural Aphrodisiacs With High Phenolic Content

Phenolic antioxidants are potent antioxidants because they protect the body in many ways. These compounds can terminate free radicals or bond with damage causing oxygen ions and metals in the body. When it comes to phenolic content, Mucuna pruriens seeds, Mucuna pruriens seeds, and Mucuna pruriens seeds are examples of aphrodisiac herbs that contain high concentrations of phenolic antioxidants.

Flavonoid Content Of Natural Aphrodisiacs

Flavonoids are another type of popular antioxidants which protect the body by scavenging for free radicals as well as by preventing their formation. Natural aphrodisiacs that contain high concentrations of flavonoid antioxidants include Anacyclus pyrethrum roots, Tribulus terrestris fruits, and Mucuna pruriens seeds.

Radical Scavenging Activity

When it comes to free radical scavenging activities, both phenolic antioxidants and flavonoid antioxidants help provide protection to the body from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Comparing the radical scavenging activities of herbal aphrodisiacs, extracts made with Mucuna pruriens seeds are far more effective as compared to Tribulus terrestris fruit extracts or Chlorophytum borivilianum root extract.

These natural aphrodisiacs are not as effective as vitamin C when it comes to free radical scavenging activity. However, you get extra health benefits if you choose a male sexual enhancement supplement with these botanicals as ingredients. You can reap not only improvements in your sexual performance but added antioxidant protection for your overall health as well.