Belated Mother’s Day

Yesterday was Mother’s day and we had a treat at Richard Rivalee, a nonya establishment that’s owned by MBI with an old collonial style bungalow ambience. So many bouquets of flowers on stands were placed by business friends as congratulatory note on its opening about 4 days ago. Richard Rivalee is a designer and chef. He has placed photos taken with the world famous shoe maker, Jimmy Choo plus a few other Taiwanese actresses. The decorations were superb and of high quality.

Mr Rivalee also makes nonya kebayas and beaded shoes. Apart from cooking, he is also a talented designer. There were also buses of China tourists who came here for 3 days to redeem their MBI points via MFace. Rukun tetanga volunteers in uniform were also present to direct traffic as the place was congested with big busses. Most of them were well dressed, wearing high heels despite having to walk long distances and it was jammed packed. Tomei was doing roaring business as many diamond pieces were snapped up in no time.