Five Ways to Make $2,000 a Month Online This Summer in 2019!

In need of some extra cash for the summer?

What can an extra $1,000 or $2,000 do for you?

Maybe it can pay your child’s summer camp. Or buy you a plane ticket or two for an awesome summer vacation. Or it can help you pay your car insurance bill or even one month’s house rent!

Who would say no to some easily earned extra cash?!

I wouldn’t!

Today, I will give you 5 ways that can give you some extra bucks!

Get Paid to Test Apps!

Testing apps is very easy! You can get paid anywhere from $10 to $60 per test! All you have to do is give your feedback on the app, detect any bugs, and test if the app is functioning how it is supposed to be done! Simple as that. If you want to do some math, here is an example.

One test per day for $10 each. Multiply that by 30 days, and you just made an extra $300 spending only 10 minutes per day!

Start a blog!

Starting a blog is by far my favorite. Although, it can be time consuming, it is very fun!

There is no better time to start a blog than the summer, since most people have extra time off! I started this blog almost two months ago, but I haven’t had too much time to work on it since I am also a college student. Butt now that Summer is around the corner, I have been having more time to focus on it! And yes, it is making money for the little effort I am putting in due to my hectic schedule! Read about how I made my first $106 last month from this blog here!

Follow my steps on how to start your own blog!

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Purchase your domain name (website name) for $2.75

Step 3: Design your website

Step 4: Write your first blog post (My first blog post was the most popular post so far! I think that was related to the fact that I was so motivated and excited writing it! Read it here!

Step 5: Sign up for Google Analytics and Pinterest (Favorite source for generating traffic)

Step 6: Sign up for Google Ads if you want to add a few ads on your page and get paid per click!

Step 7: Sign up for Affiliate Marketing

Step 8: Generate traffic to your page and grow, grow, grow! (I personally use Pinterest Promotional pins to get most of my traffic and I got all of my followers after I signed up for MiloTree! Before MiloTree, I had ZERO followers on Pinterest! )

Youtube! Without Filming!!

Yes, that’s right! You can make money with Youtube without filming yourself! You can make money from other people’s videos on YouTube! This course teaches you all the secrets of becoming a pro using Youtube to make some extra bucks without filming yourself!

Take Surveys!

A close friend of mine told me about this survey website that pays up to $30 for a 25 to 30 minute survey! I signed up for it recently for just $1 and I got instant access to many surveys about different topics. You also have the option to attend paid focus groups in your area!

Another survey website that I’m sure you’ve heard of is Survey Junkie! This website it 100% free and have surveys available for you to take on a daily basis! They are very easy surveys and do not take more than 20 minutes of your time.

Start an Online Business!

I used to think that starting an online business is very hard until I started watching Youtube videos on how to start selling on Amazon. It is actually not that complicated.

Simply decide on a product, sign up to start selling on Amazon and then decide whether you want to ship the products on your own or if you want them to be full-filled by Amazon (and have an opportunity for 2 day Prime shipping.) Many people check out and get their products from there. They also keep checking on what is trending on Amazon for the week!

Making money online is not as hard as it seems! And it is possible! I recently signed up for these online classes on how to make money with ClickBank. ClickBank seems to be making money for lots of people online and I wanted to give it a try as well! People claim to make thousands online from ClickBank, so if they can do it, I most likely can as well!

Best of luck! I hope you were able to find this post helpful to your needs.

See You Soon,
