Hello world!

This is my first WordPress Blog! Quite satisfied that it was installed properly with a functional theme. This blog is to showcase my business life, wisdom and scriptures from the Bible or just anything under the sun. I have picked up a skill or two from my kids in using the computer and this will help me pen down my thought as they come along in this journal of mine. It is a hobby I have recently learnt and it will keep me occupied, other than being glued to the telly most of the time.

Be patient with me as I develop this blog and update it at least twice weekly. Hopefully, repeat visitors like yourself will come here often for updates and new posts. About me, I am a busy businesswoman who travels frequently within Malaysia who is glued to the internet and hopes to set up an online store one day. When not working, I will chill out with a glass of wine or two while watching Astro in my condominium. My children are grown up and ready to leave the nest.

Okay, I shall stop here for now.