My Own Animated Banner for Affiliates

After going through the earlier posts and a video, I finally managed to create my own animated dithered banner as a promotional tool for my affiliates on Clickbank. But one is not enough. I have to create more banners of various sizes to suite their sites. Below is an example of the animated banner that I just created this morning. First of all, there are 3 versions of different colours of the small banner where I combined them in a bridge window and save the file and animated image.

Just click on the animated banner and it will bring you to my Clickbank website. How’s that for a start? Once you know it, it becomes easy peasy. But the hardest part is the learning curve. Now you can learn a lot of things from the internet that is flushed with any information that you need. Which is why I never pay thousands of dollars or more than RM 10k to learn internet marketing, because all the information that these so called gurus learns are actually from the free internet such as Warrior Forum.

If you have time, just go browse this forum for free and all the main highly paid internet marketers are there as members, either to give advise to earn points or to sell their products. These so-called marketing ‘gurus’ are bold enough to charge tens of thousands of dollars just for a piecemeal of information and they rip you off of your hard-earned money. If you are diligent enough, you will eventually find what you need but you also must search around and be patient.

I am currently using Photoshop CS5 and if you need me to create an animated banner for you, let me know. 🙂 I could also promote my new service selling animated banners on other than blog posting on my site.