Pure Flix Easter Campaign – Miracle at Manchester outreach

Pure Flix - Miracle at Manchester outreach


Easter starts early on Pure Flix. Stories of the Bible. Stories of Transformation. Stories for Kids. Rise Above this Easter and experience the difference that wholesome entertainment can have in your home with clean streaming from Pure Flix. Bring Easter joy into your home by streaming faith-based movies and shows on Pure Flix. Deepen your faith this Easter and rise above with authentic faith and family-friendly movies and shows on Pure Flix. Easter is a time to deepen your faith and strengthen your family. Pure Flix can help you share the story of the resurrection in an engaging way that will you leave you inspired and encouraged.


  • Power of Pure Flix: Real-life member examples
    • A member saw MOONRISE at our Red Carpet Screening event. She hadn’t celebrated Christmas after the death of her husband but was inspired to reconnect to her faith and family traditions after seeing the movie and interacting with the cast during the event.
    • A member shared that after her son passed away and while she was going through a difficult marriage separation, Pure Flix was there to help her when she felt the most lonely. She had the encouragement she needed when she couldn’t sleep and shows streaming on Pure Flix helped her lean on her faith.
    • In our partnerships, we’ve been blessed to reach hurting and lonely people in the prison system. By working with chaplains and prison ministry, we’re able to shine a light in some of the darkest places.
    • We’ve heard from countless parents that streaming Pure Flix helps them be encouraged so they can model Godly behavior for their children.
    • There are series on Pure Flix that have helped members heal from past trauma and abuse and reconnect to God’s word and purpose for their lives.

Kid focused messaging

    • Pure Flix has the shows and movies kids love with the values parents want. Discover the impact of positive entertainment this Easter season with Pure Flix.
    • Share the Easter story with your kids and help strengthen their faith by streaming kid-friendly shows on Pure Flix.



March 1: Press Release / campaign treatment, sizzle reel / titles available to stream on platform 

March 15: more titles available to stream on platform

April 1: more titles available to stream on platform

April 2: Palm Sunday

April 9:  Easter Sunday


See the Press Release Here


Easter Cross

Focus Titles

Titles with an * are transformational dramas that display themes like sacrifice, life-change and forgiveness


A Thousand Tomorrows – binge the series!

The Passion of the Christ – available March 1 – April 30

Risen – available March 15 – May 14

Two Thieves – available March 1

*On Wing’s of Eagles – available March 15

*Blackbear – available March 15

Paul, Apostle of Christ – available until March 31

The Penitent Thief

Easter bunny eggs


Eyewitness Bible – Luke & Acts – available March 1

Encounters – series available March 1

*War Room – available March 1

One Night with the King – available March 10

*The Girl Who Believes in Miracles – available March 15

*Mother Teresa: No Greater Love – available March 24

*Miracle at Manchester – available March 31

*The Messenger – available April 1

The Chosen – Season 1 & Season 2

Eyewitness Bible – Easter

The Gospel of Luke

Apostle Peter and The Last Supper

Church People

*The Case for Christ

*The Case for Heaven

Easter flowersFOR KIDS

Lion of Judah

The Messiah: A Brickfilm

The Passion: A Brickfilm

VeggieTales: An Easter Carol

VeggieTales: ‘Twas the Night Before Easter

The Spark Adventures: The Story of Easter



March 2023 Focus Titles & April 2023 Focus Titles (these titles feature themes of the Easter story but are not directly about the death and ressurection of Jesus)


Colour Bulge line


The Passion of The Christ – available March 1


Starring: Jim Caviezel. Directed by Mel Gibson.


  • WARNING: This is the same version that debuted in theaters and is unedited. It is a graphic depiction of the last 12 hours of Jesus’ life and is intended for mature audiences only.
  • The story of the trial, beating and crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday
  • Flashbacks to times during Jesus’ life and ministry
    • Last Supper and Communion
    • Sermon on the Mount and the Good Shepherd
    • Forgiveness
    • Salvation


    • Easter from the perspective of Jesus – what He endured on Good Friday
    • Love others as Jesus loved us
    • Jesus is the way, the truth and the light
    • Serve others as Jesus served us
    • The magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice for us

    Bible Verses

    • Isaiah 53
    • Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
    • “Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, come down from the cross and save yourself!” In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him. – Mark 15:29-32 (NIV)

    Easter sunrise

    Risen – available March 15


    Starring: Joseph Fiennes, Cliff Curtis, Peter Firth, Maria Botto, Stephan Hagan, Tom Felton


    • WARNING: Violent depictions of war, fighting, execution and the aftermath of war.
    • A Roman tribune, Clavius, is sent to investigate what happened following the execution of Jesus and what he discovers is life-changing.
    • Starts after Jesus’ trial and torture as He dies on the cross and the entire city trembles.
    • Clavius finds Mary Magdalene who was one of the first to see Jesus after His resurrection.
    • When Clavius sees Jesus alive for himself, he joins the disciples on the journey to receive the Holy Spirit.
    • Pontius Pilate sends soldiers after Clavius and Clavius helps the disciples escape.


    • Easter from the perspective of an unbelieving Roman tribune who witnessed the aftermath of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection
    • Skeptic to believer
    • Jesus’ commandment to love others is lived out
    • Doubt and fear

    Bible Verses

    • Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
    • For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. – 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (NIV)


    Paul, Apostle of Christ – available until March 31


    Starring: Jim Caviezel, James Faulkner, Oliver Martinez, Joanne Whalley

    Character Background/Plot

    • Rome, AD 67 – Paul and Christians have been blamed for violence sweeping through the city. Paul has been arrested and Christians are rounded up to be used for sport in gladiator games. Luke has snuck into the city to record Paul’s experience with Jesus approximately 30 years after His death and resurrection.
    • Luke wants Paul to inspire the breaking faith of the persecuted Christians in Rome – a hand-written account of Paul’s life and conversion
    • The Christian community, run by Aquilla and Priscilla, is under pressure to leave Rome. They are conflicted on what God has called them to do – Priscilla wants to stay and Aquilla wants to leave.
    • Saul’s contribution to stoning Stephen, who asked for forgiveness in his final moments. This convicted Saul to persecute Christians even more.
    • Mauritius’, a Roman prefect, daughter is very ill and he convinces Luke to tend to her. Luke saves her and Mauritius allows Luke to keep the story Paul dictated to Luke in prison.


    • Persecution
    • Being a light in the darkness
    • Paul is physically suffering but still full of hope and conviction
    • Paul has questions, regrets and thoughts on whether he did enough to spread the Gospel
    • Saul’s conversion to Christianity – how he murdered Stephen and other Christians but still found redemption and salvation
    • What would Christ say in the face of evil?

    Bible Verses

    • Acts 9 (NIV)
    • I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. – John 17:14-16 (NIV)
    • By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. – John 13:35 (NIV)
    • Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. – 1 Corinthians 13:1 (NIV)
    • For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. – Philippians 1:21 (NIV)


    music line animation

    The Penitent Thief


    Featuring: Kevin Sorbo


    • The two men (Dismas and Jotham) are brothers. Their father was an alcoholic and left them to fend for their mother and themselves. Mother and youngest brother are killed when King Herod orders the execution of all the boys under two after Jesus’ birth.
    • They join a band of thieves and spend 30 years surviving as brigands – Tiran, the leader, and Gestas, Tiran’s son, become close with Dismas and Jothum.
    • Dismas is injured on a raid and dreams of his childhood home and of Jesus. Jesus heals him in the dream.
    • Tiran seeks revenge against a man who left the group and kills him and his family. Dismas wants to leave before it gets worse. Jotham is divided. Gestas overhears their plan to flee.
    • Tiran forces the brothers to fight, but Gestas kills his father. Dismas and Jothum leave the gang and get jobs mending nets in Capernaum. Dismas meets and falls in love with a woman.
    • Jesus arrives and Dismas hears Him preach. Jothum is in the crowd, stealing from people. The brothers divide – Dismas looks towards the future and new possibility with Christ and Jothum looks back at what happened to them.
    • Jothum returns to the gang and Dismas marries Adinah and starts a family. The gang and Dismas stumble upon each other on the road to Passover and the Romans find Barrabas, Jothum and Dismas and put them in jail.
    • Dismas and Jothum are jailed with Barrabas, who is subsequently freed instead of Jesus
    • Dismas and Jothum are crucified alongside Jesus


    • Easter from the perspective of the men who were executed on the cross alongside Jesus
    • Forgiveness
    • Unconditional love
    • Mercy

    Bible Verses

    • Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
    • For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin. – Romans 6:5-6 (NIV)


    smiley line

    The Messiah: A Brickfilm



    • Animated storytelling with the use of LEGO characters.
    • Recommend watching this film as a family to help younger audiences understand what is being depicted. Recommended for ages 5-10.


    • Easter perspective for kids and families to watch together – emphasis on the Last Supper, trial and punishment, crucifixion and resurrection 

    Bible Verses


    The Passion: A Brickfilm



    • Animated storytelling with the use of LEGO characters.
    • Recommend watching this film as a family to help younger audiences understand what is being depicted. Recommended for ages 5-10.


    • Easter perspective for kids and families to watch together – emphasis on the trial and crucifixion of Jesus with a preview of His return and promise of the Holy Spirit

    Bible Verses

    Animated Rope
