This video is pertinent for Ramadhan and those of other faiths, especially since we lament over the lock-down at home during Covid-19 pandemic. It shows a dearly departed disabled boy using 1 finger to type on his phone and being an author of 3 published books while being bed-ridden for many years. It is heartwarming to see this video for those of us who are confused why this pandemic happens.
For those who are disabled, do not laugh nor look down on them; they are also God’s creation. Never look down on the poor, the suffering, and marginalized. You never know who these people are and some could be Angels in disguise. Help them as much as we could afford in monetary terms or in labor.
We are all fellow human beings who have a right to live here on planet Earth till our Maker calls us home. The disabled are also our brethren. See how this young fella, named Irfan, who never lost his enthusiasm, despite being lock-down or bedridden for umpteenth years. So, what kept him going? It was his infinite power of faith in the Almighty God. Well, Irfan has published 3 books by just typing with one finger that sold thousands of copies. This is a story of determination, grit, and the will to continue being productive despite his disabilities. Well, sad to say, Irfan is no longer with us – He has passed on – but left a legacy of displaying that the power of Faith is Infinite.
May his soul rest in peace and be in a better place where there are no disabilities, sufferings, sadness, sickness, aging, diseases like the current pandemic of Covid-19 and such. So, my fellow readers, I hope you get inspired by reading and watching this short video with a narrative by another person. Stay safe at home and stay cool.