The above is a detailed and long infographic specially designed to show case the 16 Simple Motivation Tips to Get More Done. As it is self-explanatory, I shall not go into detail other than the summary. It is pertinent to me too and teaches one not to be a perfectionist but to be excellent in whatever endeavour your pursue. Also plan for tomorrow by tonight or jot down roughly what you want to do and spend the time productively; you can also plan it in your head, instead of jotting down if you can remember.
As for me, I am too lazy to jot down, so I always plan ahead and try to maximise the time that I have NOW. It is also good to give back to society to invest in life after death. Do some charitable work or pray and spend some quiet time alone with God to recharge and let the Holy Spirit be your beacon of light to guide you through this treacherous path called ‘life’
Get the right tools and use technology to help you out. The internet is your world of oyster where all informationn can be found. Just know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. Also, enjoy the moment and don’t sleep too much; otherwise you will come to poverty. Anyone who loves to eat, enjoy life and sleep without working or lifting a finger will surely come to poverty and become hungry.
While working, enjoy your life and sometimes pamper yourself now and then like eating delicacies or going for spas and massages to help rejuvenate and destress to chase the blues away. Live life to the fullest and work hard and smart. Whether you are in business or working for others as an employee, remember to save more than you spend to save up for your retirement so that it is golden and not woeful.