5 Tips to Keep Your Chin Up

5 tips to keep your chin up

Don’t you find the infographic above colorful and attractive? Well, as it is self-explanatory, I shall not delve deeper into the contents. The titles are as below:

1. Do something impulsive
2. Have rituals
3. Exercise at least 10 minutes a day
4. Take Breaks – add some novelties in your daily routine.
5. Learn something new – this is so pertinent now especially in the new technology age where it keeps changing and newer programs and apps come out very fast.

If you don’t change, you will be left behind and need to keep up with the new in-thing. People progress because they are able to innovate or learn new kinds of stuff and features of applications daily. I also need to remind myself not to be too complacent or lazy; because it is human nature to take things easy.

A nugget of wisdom from Instagram that I recall is this: Don’t sleep like you are rich, but work like you are broke! And follow the example of the ant – always hunting for food and store it up during summer for winter. Else the grasshopper that sings all day will go hungry during winter.

For more details, just read through the infographic above that is carefully curated for your reading pleasure.