[Video] Welcoming the Dawn of Happy New Year 2024

@sulintan135 Happy New Year 2024 #HappyNewYear2024 #LoveYourSoulBook #Book #selfhelpbooks2022 ♬ original sound – Di Store 123

As the clock strikes midnight and fireworks light up the sky, we bid farewell to the year that was and eagerly embrace the promise of a new beginning. Happy New Year 2024! It’s a time of reflection, hope, and a fresh start for all of us.

2023 was a year of challenges and triumphs that tested our resilience and adaptability. We navigated through a global pandemic, witnessed remarkable scientific achievements, and joined together to address social and environmental issues. It was a year that taught us the importance of unity, kindness, and innovation.

As we enter 2024, we carry the lessons and experiences of the past year. We can use them as stepping stones to build a better future. The dawn of a new year brings a sense of renewal and the opportunity to set new goals, make resolutions, and create positive change in our lives.

One of the most cherished traditions of the New Year is the making of resolutions. Whether getting in shape, learning a new skill, or spending more time with loved ones, resolutions help us focus on self-improvement and personal growth. As we embark on this journey into 2024, remember that every step forward brings us closer to our aspirations, no matter how small.

Another beautiful aspect of the New Year is the sense of hope it brings. It’s a chance to leave behind the disappointments and setbacks of the past and look ahead with optimism. Each new year is a blank canvas waiting to be painted with our dreams and ambitions. With determination and hard work, we can transform those dreams into reality.

As we celebrate the arrival of 2024 with family and friends, let’s not forget to express our gratitude for the moments and people that enriched our lives in 2023. Let’s also reach out to those facing challenges and offer our support and kindness.

In conclusion, Happy New Year 2024 is a time for celebration, reflection, and hope. It’s an opportunity to set new goals, make positive changes, and embrace the gift of a fresh start. May this year be filled with joy, success, and prosperity for everyone. Cheers to a brighter future!



Reflecting on the Past: As we enter the new year, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect on the past. 2023 might have been filled with challenges but also a year of growth and resilience. We faced uncertainties, adapted to new norms, and discovered our inner strengths. Acknowledging our accomplishments, both big and small, can give us a sense of fulfillment and motivate us to overcome future hurdles.

Setting Meaningful Resolutions: Making resolutions for the new year is a timeless tradition. Setting goals and intentions allows us to channel our energies toward self-improvement. When crafting your resolutions for 2024, consider making them specific, measurable, and achievable. Starting small is okay, as consistency and determination are often the keys to success.

Embracing Positivity: The arrival of a new year naturally brings a sense of hope and optimism. It’s a reminder that we have the power to shape our future. In 2024, let’s cultivate a positive mindset, focusing on gratitude and mindfulness. Positivity can be contagious and create a ripple effect, influencing not only our lives but also the lives of those around us.

Spreading Kindness: One of the most beautiful ways to celebrate the new year is by spreading kindness and love. Reach out to friends and family with warm wishes and expressions of love. Additionally, consider engaging in acts of kindness within your community. Volunteering, helping those in need, or simply offering a listening ear can make a significant difference in the lives of others.

Global Unity: The new year is a time to reflect on our global interconnectedness. Remember that, regardless of our differences, we all share this planet. The challenges we face are often global, from climate change to pandemics. In 2024, let’s renew our commitment to global cooperation and work together for a better world.

In conclusion, Happy New Year 2024 is more than just the turning of a calendar page; it’s an opportunity for personal and collective growth. It’s a time to cherish the lessons of the past, set meaningful resolutions, embrace positivity, spread kindness, and work towards a more harmonious world. As we embark on this new journey, let’s carry these principles in our hearts and make 2024 a year of hope, progress, and positive change. Cheers to a brighter future filled with endless possibilities!

[Videos] Gifting with PBB, Merry Christmas 2023, Welcome 2024 – Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas 2023! 🎄
A time for joy and laughter, can’t you see? 🥳
Celebrate the season of gifting so grand, 🎁
With Public Bank by your side, take a stand. 🏦

In this festive time, hearts full of cheer, 💕
Spread kindness and love, far and near. ❤️
Public Bank’s spirit shines like a star, ⭐️
Helping dreams come true, no matter how far.🌠

So wrap your gifts with love and care, 🧧
For the moments we cherish, rare and fair. 💐
Ho Ho Ho, let’s all unite, 💝
Merry Christmas, with hearts so light! 🌈

With Public Bank’s support, we’ll stand strong💪
Together we’ll sing a joyful song. 🎶
In this season of giving, let’s all partake, 🍀
With Ho, Ho, Ho, and love for our sake!🧑‍🎄

Jesus is the Reason for the Season: A Heartfelt Reminder

As we approach the festive season, with twinkling lights, cozy gatherings, and the exchange of gifts, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all. However, amidst the flurry of holiday preparations, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on the true meaning of this season: Jesus is the reason for the season.

Christmas, at its core, is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the savior of humanity. His arrival brought hope, love, and salvation to a world in need. The nativity scene reminds us of the humble beginnings of the Messiah, born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. This simple yet profound event embodies the essence of the season – the gift of God’s love.

In the midst of the shopping lists and party planning, let’s remember the spiritual significance of Christmas. It’s a time to cultivate kindness, compassion, and gratitude. It’s an opportunity to reflect on our own lives and how we can share the love and joy of Christ with others. Acts of kindness, charity, and spreading the message of hope exemplify the true spirit of Christmas.

So, as we decorate our homes, bake cookies, and gather with loved ones, let’s not forget the reason for the season. Jesus’ birth serves as a reminder of the incredible gift of love and salvation bestowed upon us. Let’s celebrate with hearts full of gratitude and share the love that Jesus brought into the world with those around us. After all, the joy of Christmas lies in embracing the message that Jesus is the reason for the season.

Pictory.ai – Home of AI Video Editing


In the fast-paced digital age, video content has become increasingly vital for businesses, influencers, and creators. However, the process of editing videos can be time-consuming and challenging. Enter Pictory.ai, the innovative platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize video editing. Let’s dive into how Pictory.ai is changing the game and becoming the go-to destination for AI-driven video editing.


Streamlined Editing Process:

Pictory.ai eliminates the need for manual editing by leveraging AI algorithms that analyze and enhance video content effortlessly. Users can upload their raw footage to the platform, and Pictory.ai’s intelligent algorithms take care of the rest. The AI technology automatically edits, refines, and enhances the video, delivering stunning results in minutes. This streamlined process saves users valuable time, allowing them to focus on other creative aspects of their projects.


Powerful AI Capabilities:

Pictory.ai’s AI capabilities go beyond basic editing tasks. The platform employs advanced machine learning techniques to understand the content and context of the video. It can intelligently trim and merge clips, apply transitions, enhance colors, optimize audio, and even generate subtitles. With Pictory.ai, users can transform raw footage into polished, professional-grade videos with just a few clicks. The AI-powered algorithms continually learn and improve, adapting to user preferences and producing increasingly accurate and impressive results.


User-Friendly Interface:

Pictory.ai understands that not everyone is a professional video editor. The platform boasts a user-friendly interface for beginners and seasoned editors. The intuitive interface allows users to navigate effortlessly through the editing process, offering a seamless and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re a social media influencer, small business owner, or video enthusiast, Pictory.ai empowers you to create captivating videos easily.


Versatility and Customization:

While Pictory.ai’s AI technology automates most of the editing process, it also provides users with various customization options. Users can fine-tune the AI’s suggestions and add their personal touch to ensure the video aligns perfectly with their vision. Whether adjusting the color grading, experimenting with different filters, or adding text overlays, Pictory.ai allows users to unleash their creativity and create videos that truly stand out.



Pictory.ai is transforming the video editing landscape with its powerful AI capabilities, user-friendly interface, and unparalleled convenience. With its ability to automate editing while providing customization options, Pictory.ai empowers creators and businesses to produce stunning videos quickly and effortlessly. Embrace the future of video editing and explore the endless possibilities that Pictory.ai offers. Revolutionize your content creation today!


#PictoryAI #AIEditing #VideoEditing #ArtificialIntelligence #CreativeContent #EffortlessEditing #InnovativeTechnology #StreamlinedVideoProduction

Happy Easter Sunday, Everyone!

Happy Easter! On the third day, Jesus rose again from the dead after his crucifixion at the cross on Good Friday. The resurrection power of Jesus conquered the power of Satan, the evil one!

Alleluia! Thank you, Jesus 😘 Faith ✝️, Hope 🌈 & Love ❤

May God grant you the fullness of life rich in love & service. Blessed Eastertide, peeps! 😃

“I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection” (Philippians 3:10).

Please do tab Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe if you enjoy this video.



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The above banner was taken from my Instagram account, wishing everyone a “Blessed Easter.” This banner was carefully curated to highlight the reason for the season, an important day today to signify good triumph over evil. The resurrection power of Jesus nullifies the power of Satan, the evil one. Easter is a very significant day, more so than Christmas during the birth of baby Jesus.



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Good morning! Sending out positive vibes this Easter Sunday, where God reconciled with humanity due to Jesus’ finished work at the cross. It is FINISHED!

In the meantime, stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy. Happy Easter Sunday again!



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And below is a final picture taken from my Instagram account of Easter-themed colorful eggs as eye candy. Enjoy!



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Trinity Broadcasting Network in this Holy Week

Our Mission & Goals


Trinity broadcast network

For nearly 50 years, the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Launched in 1973 by Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN began as one low-power television station broadcasting a few hours of Christian programming each day to viewers throughout the Los Angeles area. In the years since, TBN has grown into a family of over thirty twenty-four-hour global networks reaching every inhabited continent with entertaining, inspirational, and life-changing programming for every family member and demographic.

Four robust networks anchor TBN’s global lineup:

Check out >> Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)

Surf around the site for more broadcasts to reach the globe and also donate generously as these networks are provided free of charge in this Christian month of April.

Just sign in from anywhere in the world, and you are good to go.

TBN began with a dream to take Christian television to every nation across the earth!



TBN's old logoTBN's old logo2Nearly fifty years ago, Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch joined a small group of dedicated friends and partners to step out by faith into a God-birthed vision to use television to take the life-changing message of Jesus Christ across America and around the world.

The beginnings were modest, as TBN launched on May 28, 1973, with a tiny, part-time station airing a few hours of homemade Christian programming each day throughout the Los Angeles area. But God breathed life into this humble start, and soon people from all walks of life and circumstances were tuning in. Lives were changed, and the word spread. Before long, folks across America and beyond were asking for this miracle of Christian television. Within just a few years, TBN was expanding to cities across the U.S. and then to nations and locales worldwide, where millions experienced the message of hope and grace through Jesus for the first time through innovative, life-transforming Christian programming.

TBN in the early days

Right from the start, Paul and Jan insisted that the growth of TBN should be founded on the prayer and partnership of everyday individuals who enjoyed TBN’s programming and were enthusiastic about its vision to reach individuals and families with the love of Jesus. Early on, TBN introduced an innovative partnership program, called the Praise-a-Thon, designed to bring viewers up close to all the excitement and action on the TBN set and give them a sense of the passion for souls and love for Jesus that motivated everything that was happening at TBN.

TBN's first webstie

 Click to enlarge the image of TBN’s first website, launched in 2002.

TBN is a video-on-demand service that preaches the gospel to every nation. As with anything free, here is the donation link to give generously by grace, without compulsion. >> Donate Here

Resurrection week

There are famous singers in, the likes of Andrea Bocelli, Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church, and more.

Below is a simple Youtube video on Happy /Blessed Palm Day done by me using software to generate pictures and movies with animations.

Blessed Palm Sunday. Thank you, Jesus, for willingly dying on the cross, and experiencing painful crucifixion to redeem mankind from the curse of sin of the first man, Adam.

Happy Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection power of Jesus over Satan after his crucifixion at the cross in Golgotha. It begins with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and finally Easter Sunday. All Christians celebrate this important date of Good triumph over evil, as Jesus took away our curses in replacement for His blessings.

Subscribe, like, comment, and share if you enjoy this video.

Thank you for watching. Have a happy and blessed week ahead.

A SHOW ABOUT ANTHEM LIGHTS: PART 2 Episode 17 – Giveaway for the US Residents only

A show about Anthem Lights


Anthem Lights is an American Christian group originating from Los Angeles. The group has released one EP under their former name, Yellow Cavalier, and six albums under their current name. The group’s debut album was released on May 10, 2011, by Reunion Records. A show about Anthem Lights is an animated series with 17 episodes of fun-to-watch movies in your leisure time.

Watch episode17  HERE
There is a giveaway for a free 3-month Pure Flix subscription.
A show about Anthem Lights - Episode 17
Do sign up for Pure Flix to watch this series >> thtrailerLINK
Note: Episodes release every other week (4 episodes at a time)

In this 17th episode, the title is given as below:

Five’s a Crowd

At management’s request, Anthem Lights holds auditions to add a 5th member, but finding a suitable candidate becomes challenging.


Pure Flix banner

hashtags: #AnthemLightsMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork #PureFlix

Creators for Peace in Ukraine

Creators for Peace


I am one of the many creators for peace in Ukraine. Check out my shorts video below:




My Instagram post below:


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Please help the children in need through UNICEF. Donation link: https://creatorsforpeace.com/

I am one of the many #CREATORSFORPEACE, and support YouTube’s fundraiser for UNICEF. Let’s all make a positive impact, my one small sharing to spread awareness for the needs of the children.

Creators for Peace


#SHARE #CREATORSFORPEACE #vidiq #helpukraine