How to Deal With Returns and Refunds in 2020 | Oberlo Dropshipping


This is Jessica from Oberlo 101 that links to Shopify and AliExpress to source your winning product in a jiffy. Here she talks on how to deal with returns and refunds in 2020 as a drop shipper. Mind you, e-commerce is not easy, you have to blog, attract paid traffic via Facebook, Instagram social influencers, handle complaints and wait for sales in the beginning. It is tough work and you are hearing from someone who has tried and been there before. Since I cannot allocate my full attention to Shopify that charges USD 29 per month and only 2 sales for 8 long months, I decided to quit and cut my losses while continuing with my full-time job as an IT executive.

But after all these precautions, if you think you have what it takes to start an e-commerce platform, then I would suggest using the free WooCommerce like WordPress. You need to experiment around and play with the main features available on WooCommerce. Al I know is that it is like WordPress and that is it.


So good luck to any of you who are reading this article on the said video. There are many ways to make money, but you have to choose which method is most suitable for you to leverage the hard work you put in. As for me, I love writing and blogging, so I am going to concentrate on these.


WooCommerce eCommerce Development for Your Business Use


WooCommerce is an eCommerce module for WordPress. It makes dealing with an online store straightforward, with easy adaptability and a few highlights, for example, stock and tax management, secure installments, and shipping mix.

WooCommerce is the well known and best eCommerce plugin for WordPress, and it consists of both extraordinary SEO and eCommerce capacity. From the following, you’ll discover the reasons to pick WooCommerce and its focal points over other eCommerce stages.

1. WooCommerce Pricing

At the point when a new retailer is picking a stage, the cost is probably going to be the main consideration. ECommerce applications extend from free to a huge number of dollars every year, but the capability of the application is nothing to do with its cost.


WooCommerce is highly competitive with other leading eCommerce applications, but since it’s free, any business or entrepreneur can take advantage of its capacities without focusing on costly agreements or restrictive programming licenses.

You should take note that any third party involved in the process of installing applications may involve cash, yet this won’t be directly related to WooCommerce themselves.

2. WooCommerce Is Modular

It is the same as WordPress. WooCommerce eCommerce Development includes rich arrangements that can be reached with the expansion of plugins. Retailers who use WooCommerce get an advantage twice from this modulation. They approach a large number of WordPress modules and topics just as many eCommerce-specific forms only for WooCommerce.

WooCommerce eCommerce Development measured framework is that it develops a network of designers who carry out expansions to include specific usefulness, something that is beyond imagination with solid applications. With the privilege modules, WooCommerce can be the ideal eCommerce stage for each retailer.

Modules grow usefulness with respect to delivery, installments, how items are taken care of, and the sky is the limit from there. WooCommerce themselves have created and prescribe a few extra modules when utilizing their store.

3.WooCommerce Is WordPress

“In any case, WooCommerce is just not a WordPress?”.

As a general rule, WooCommerce’s WordPress module is really a strength. WordPress is extremely famous on the grounds that it’s so adaptable and practical. A large number of organizations use WordPress in light of the fact that it gives the best establishment to their goals It’s quick, secure, and simple to utilize.

WooCommerce acquires the majority of the quality of WordPress and provides the facility to construct a world-class eCommerce experience for retailers and their clients.

WooCommerce Web Developers -Websolutionsz

4. WooCommerce known toSell Things

WooCommerce eCommerce Development is awesomely adaptable. In the event that you need to sell something, you can sell it with WooCommerce. That incorporates physical items, advanced items, memberships, arrangements, and significantly more. Regardless of whether you plan to sell physical items or digital products of physical items. WooCommerce is the Swiss Army Knife of eCommerce applications.

5. WooCommerce Has A Vibrant Developer Community

Both WooCommerce and WordPress are open source. This implies that retailers can change or include center highlights, manufacture new expansions, and make custom subjects. For some less well-known eCommerce applications, it is hard to discover engineers fit for doing that work. And in the event that you can discover a designer, they are costly to procure.


WooCommerce retailers profit by an enormous pool of designers and WooCommerce experts. On the off chance that you have to make changes to your WooCommerce store. It won’t be hard for somebody to take every necessary step for you.

6.WooCommerce Includes Powerful Analytics

The more you think about your clients and the manner in which they associate with your store and its items, the better. Out of the container, WooCommerce gives a broad arrangement of examination showed in a reasonable and natural interface. Also, it’s clear to incorporate WooCommerce with outside examination administrations like Google Analytics with expansions.

7. WooCommerce Grows With Your Business

When picking a WooCommerce eCommerce Development application, it gives a smart thought to consider the fate of your business. It may be little now. Yet at the time of development and you have to pick an application that is fit for supporting a busy store without forcing a lot of complexity in the good ‘old days.

WooCommerce supports stores extending from the modest to the immense. It can scale from a couple of items to a huge number, and from a bunch of customers daily to many customers every second.
