Oberlo Product Watch : Plant Hangers

Plant Hangers
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This is Product Watch, where we highlight the hottest products for dropshippers. We explain why they’re great, and give you all the information you need to sell them yourself.

Millennials are obsessed with plants. Bonzai, monstera, peace lilies… you name it, they love it.

In fact, budding plant enthusiasts are known to spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every year growing their plant collections.

The problem though, is that lots of people who are interested in plants don’t always have the space to house them. They’re all fighting for sunshine (and love) which isn’t always easy to provide if you live in a relatively small space.

That’s why this week on Product Watch we’re highlighting plant hangers – the perfect product for plant lovers.

It’s a super simple product. They’re typically made out of rope, and you can attach them to the ceiling of your home and hang your plants from the ceiling. Perfect for that bohemian aesthetic that’s ever popular nowadays. Oh, and you won’t need to worry about them taking up too much space either.

A quick glance at the Google Trends data for these products will show you that they’re seriously taking off this year, so there’s never been a better time to try selling them.

As always with Product Watch, we try to recommend products that are affordable for our readers, and plant hangers are no different.

You can source these products from suppliers for as cheap as $2, and they rise to around $5 depending on the style that you select.

When you take into account that these products are typically sold from upwards of $15, it’s clear that there’s plenty of profit to be made.

You can even find these products for $25 – $30 on marketplaces like Etsy, although we don’t recommend pricing them that high. Something in the region of $15 – $20 should work well.

More good news – free shipping is available for these products to most major markets. We often recommend incorporating the price of shipping into your listed product prices, but as it’s free you’ll have more room to make profit (or spend on your marketing campaigns.)

Speaking of marketing, let’s touch on the best ways to get eyeballs on these products.

Pricing Stats
  • Product Cost: $2 – $5
  • Recommended Retail Price: $15 – $20
Facebook is the go-to marketing channel for many dropshippers, and we recommend using Facebook Ads to promote plant hangers too.

Both Facebook Photo and Video Ads will work well for these products because it’s really simple to show the value that these products will bring to potential customers.

The key to success here will be using copy to convey exactly why they need these products.

The visuals of your ads will grab the attention of people who are interested in plants, but copy that touches on the reasons that we mentioned earlier (that truly speak to your audience) like freeing up space in their apartments or houses will go a long way in generating sales.

And, as always, it’s super important that you get these products in front of the right people.

So, when it comes to targeting for your Facebook Ads you can try going for people in the US first. And, if you combine that location with some simple interest-based targeting using ‘Houseplants’ you’ll have a great starting point.

As always, we leave an example Facebook target audience below that you can use – this is the one that we just mentioned, and you can use this to start marketing these products today.

Facebook Ad Targeting
  • Location: USA 🇺🇸
  • Age: 18 – 45
  • Gender: All
  • People who match: Houseplant
  • Devices: All
  • Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories