THE MINDSET OF HIGH ACHIEVERS – Best Motivational Video for Success in Life & Study

The above is a motivational Youtube video specially curated for you on success. Do what the 99% people are not willing to do. Be the 1% that are willing to suffer and hustle daily for success. Be disciplined and make it a habit. What comes to mind becomes your character, what becomes your character becomes a habit and this will propel you to further success one after another. You need to sacrifice playtime with friends and drinking buddies and do it all alone at times. Yes, it is very lonely at the top! But keep hustling and working hard at your goals and be patient. In time to come, you will reap the success that you have targetted for yourself.

This is what makes the mindset of high achievers different from the mediocre ones. Whether you are a programmer, lawyer or secretary, just do your best and put in some effort to see results. I have personally experienced medical doctors who are sub-par and not up to the standard that they are trained to be. Some go through the shortcut methods of success, and in the end, cheat on himself or herself by getting other people to do the hard work for them instead of self-learn it and go through the long, laborious ways of self-discovery and learning. To succeed in life, there are NO shortcuts. Time and effort are needed and lots of patience too.

Hence, with this in mind, it is hoped that you will glean something out of this blog and visit regularly for updates on motivation, pets, success, finance, Christian scriptures, etc. Enjoy the video above and you can skip the adverts if you like.

6 Blogging Skills You Can Put On Your Resume

6 Blogging Skills you can Put on your Resume

1. Writing

When you blog, you are a writer. Writing is an essential skill that you must have to maintain a blog. Blogging means writing, because what blog article is complete without some words of wisdom on the topic of choice you are discussing? Therefore, the written word is a priority in blogging. Just about any profession, you get into has some form of required writing. So I’m thankful for blogging and writing!

2. Photography

When I first started blogging 6+ years ago, I admit my photography skills were lacking. But wow, how that changed quickly enough. I mean if you look at my early blog articles, I am embarrassed by many of the photos I thought were passable. These days, I can proudly say that my photography has greatly improved. So much so that I can not only operate a DSLR camera, but I can also take some truly gorgeous photos when needed. So, photography is a skill that many bloggers (myself included) can most certainly use on a resume.

3. Web Design

When you blog, you most likely own or run a website. Let’s face it – most businesses now have their own websites. So being able to say that you know how to manage a website is an essential skill to list on a resume.

4. Photoshop

Taking photos is key, as I mentioned. Being able to edit them in Photoshop is also a wonderful skill to have under your belt. As a blogger, many of us know how to use Photoshop for photo editing and more. Photoshop happens to be a skill many current employers look for when they make hiring decisions. So, once again listing this on a resume is a huge bonus.
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5. Social Media/Marketing

As bloggers, we have to put ourselves out there daily. What better way than to share socially on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. Knowing these social media outlets, as well as how to use them for marketing purposes, is also another wonderful skill to have on your resume. Thankfully blogging does help with this one, too.

6. Coding/HTML

This one may not be for all bloggers. However, many of us bloggers do have some knowledge of coding and HTML. Trust me that in this technological business world, possessing even low-level coding and HTML essentials is a great skill to have on your resume.

There you have it with 6 blogging skills that you can most definitely use on a resume for employment!
Which blogging skills can you put on your resume?

– Janine Huldie

The 5 Easiest Ways to Get Better Grades

What are the easiest ways for adult students to get excellent grades? Could you be spending a lot of time trying to find the latest silver bullet to boost your grades while there is a straightforward concept that already exists? Here are five simple tips that adult students can use to perform well in school.

1. Never skip breakfast

Usually described as the most crucial meal of the day, eating breakfast has positive effects such as enhanced memory and attention. Therefore, regardless of how busy your day is, make sure you take breakfast so that you remain rejuvenated throughout the day.

2. Believe you can learn the material

Does believing you can understand the material result in better grades? Research has shown that students who have a positive outlook towards the course are likely to perform better than those who don’t believe. With everything that’s going on, you are likely to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. The best way of handling this is to leave all your family and work worries out of the classroom.

3. Do not use your phone while in class

When you use your phone in the classroom, you might have divided attention. This might make it difficult for you to concentrate in the classroom. Also, you might receive a call that something is not right either at home or at work. Such a message will keep you distracted.

4. Use out of school time productively

As an adult student, you may not have much of this. However little time you have to spare when you aren’t working or caring for your family, use it well. Remember that personal study is a major ingredient of getting good grades.

5. Have a sense of purpose

Students who remind themselves why they are in school are likely to do better than those who don’t have a purpose. From the onset, set goals and plan on how to attain them. Working towards your goals will make studying interesting.

– Julie

Have Faith in Yourself – Richard Branson

Have Faith in Yourself - Richard Branson

Like the Nike Tagline, “Just Do It!”

Believe it can be done. Have goals and prepare well. Also help each other out. The stronger should help the weaker and likewise the smarter should help the slower ones. It is a life of give and take. You cannot hoard knowledge to yourself without sharing to others and help them up. That is why schools and colleges have professors and supervisors to guide the students to greater heights of success and knowledge.

Have Fun

Have fun while working hard and money will come to you. Don’t waste time and procrastinate. Grab every opportunity that comes your way. Also, have a positive outlook on life. And if it becomes a drudgery, move on. Don’t dwell on something that you are struggling with and instead, work on your strengths. For instance, if programming is something that is hard to master, then dwell on writing articles and blogging which may be easier to make money online.

Be Bold

Calculate the risks and take them. More importantly, believe in yourself. Just like the scriptures, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13. Chase your dreams and goals. Have no regrets of past failures, neither worry about the future. Just live in the present and do your utmost best. Be bold and keep your word and promises. Nobody wants to deal with dishonest persons.

Challenge Yourself

Aim high and try new things. Always try and challenge yourself. Be the best that you can be and don’t compare with others. There are others who are better off while there are others who are worse off than you.

Stand on Your Own Feet

Rely on yourself and God to help you out. Don’t be too dependent on others, for they may disappoint you or give bad advice. Chase your dreams, but live in the real world. And work together. Two heads are better than one.

Live the Moment

Enjoy life and live it to the full. Enjoy the moment while reflecting on your life. Make every second count and don’t have regrets. Also, don’t sleep too much for those who refuse to life a finger, may come to poverty. Make hay while the sun shines and in your best years, work hard before your retirement in your golden years.

Value Family and Friends

Life is about relationships. No one is a island. Hence we need to value family and friends while they are still here. Be loyal. Face problems head on. Money is for making things happen. Pick the right people in your inner circle and reward talent.

Have Respect

Be polite and respectful. Do the right thing. Keep your good name and be fair in all your dealings. Hence the above expound on the info graphic of having faith in yourself by Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin airlines.

You are Perfect in God’s Eyes

You are perfect in God's Eyes

But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God… For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
Hebrews 10:12, 14, KJV


God sees you with no flaw, spot or imperfection, so honor His Word and the finished work of His Son by saying, “Amen!” Don’t doubt your perfection in Christ.

To see yourself as far from being perfect is not modesty, but a failure to understand the perfect sacrifice that Jesus has made for you.

The Bible tells us, “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified”. Did you get that? You have not only been sanctified, that is, made holy, but by the same offering of His body, you have been perfected. You are both holy and perfect in God’s eyes!

Your sins have been purged perfectly. Today, Jesus is seated at His Father’s right hand not because He is the Son of God (although that is true), but because His work of purging your sins is completely finished and perfect!

So instead of being conscious of your sins, which is to have an evil conscience (Hebrews 10:22), you can have a perfect conscience, a conscience that is free from the guilt and condemnation of sins.

When you find yourself conscious of your sins, just say, “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your wonderful work at the cross. It is a perfect work that has removed all my sins completely.

“Holy Spirit, thank You for convicting me of righteousness, not my own, but God’s righteousness given to me as a gift. Keep on convicting me in the days to come, reminding me especially when I fail that I am still the righteousness of God in Christ.”

My friend, God sees you perfect without any spot of sin. He sees you covered in the beautiful white robes of His own righteousness. He treats you like a righteous man because that is what He has made you. So expect good things to happen to you because blessings are on the head of the righteous! (Proverbs 10:6)

– Joseph Prince

20 Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Financial Peace

20 Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Financial Peace

20 Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Financial Peace

1. You attract it easily.
2. Money is not a worry!
3. Money comes quickly and easily to you.
4. Money finds its way to you.
5. Believe.
6. Let it fill it up!
7. Money is there.
8. I set the limits.
9. Money is there for you.
10. You await it.
11. It just arrives when needed!
12. Keep working.
13. You can do it.
14. You make gold.
15. You are capable.
16. You shall eat good from the fruit of your mouth.
17. You live in the land of milk and money.
18. Money surrounds you.
19. Money is no longer a problem to earn by working so hard.
20. More money comes in than it goes out.

4 Women who made a Difference in Block Chain

Women who made a difference in Block Chain

Big technology companies have routinely failed to hire women for new projects or promote them to management and board positions. But with blockchain, women have led the way on some of the most important projects, both at tech companies and start-ups. None of this was a given.

Blockchain first came into prominence because it’s the software behind bitcoin, whose early proponents were overwhelmingly male. In January, a party at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami was held in a strip club and featured scantily clad women. Less than 5% of the speakers at the conference were women.

With blockchain, women have been leaders on several important projects, and companies developing business blockchain products have promoted women.“Diversity is a challenge across all tech subcultures,” said Amber Baldet, who ran JPMorgan Chase’sblockchain programs before leaving to start her own company.

“People have tried to call out crypto as being better or worse. What’s different about it is that from a pretty nascent stage there’s been a very open discussion across the community about how to foster inclusion, of all sorts of populations. Because we’re having that conversation earlier, we’re seeing results earlier. Hopefully, we’ll do better this time around.”


Blockchain Is Starting to Show Real Promise Amid the Hype
4 Projects That Could Disrupt Industries and Nonprofits

At IBM, women run the show, from the general manager of blockchain Marie Wieck to her boss Bridget van Kralingen, to CEO Ginni Rometty. “We have the blockchain sisters at IBM,” says spokeswoman Holli Haswell. Here are four women who are leaders in blockchain: Blythe Masters, CEO, Digital Asset HoldingsMasters rose to managing director at JPMorgan Chase at age 28.

She built the bank’s commodities business into the largest on Wall Street and is credited with helping create derivative products like the credit default swap. When Masters left in 2014, she did not have concrete plans of what she would do next.

Blockchain stood out as a huge opportunity once she realized it could be “incredibly constructive, not just disruptive,” to financial services. “Coming from almost 30 years in that space, I knew in considerable detail the nature of the waste, the inefficiency, the delays.” Digital Asset has raised more than $110 million from investors including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan. It is partnering with Alphabet (ticker: GOOGL) to offer blockchain tools to developers and won a contract to remake the Australian Securities Exchange’sequities clearing and settlement system.

Masters also heads the governing board of Hyperledger, a nonprofit that has brought together developers building some of the most widely used blockchain platforms for business.

Marie Wieck, general manager for blockchain, IBMFor a company that has recently found itself behind the times in technology, IBM is betting big on the blockchain. Wieck, who has been at the company for more than 25 years, is guiding the company’s efforts to partner with the biggest names in the business, from Walmart to shipping giant Maersk.

Wieck, who went to an all-girls school and says she was encouraged as a child to pursue math and science, is worried about the paltry number of women now going into tech professions—fewer even than when she was growing up 25 years ago. Among her solutions is “to create a community of champions of both women and men who proudly support women in the STEM.

”Amber Baldet, co-founder, ClovyrBaldet has always worked in the financial industry but is just as comfortable in the world of computer programmers. As the leader of blockchain products at JPMorgan, she guided the development of the company’s Quorum software, a contender in the race to speed up finance’s antiquated databases and slow settlement times.

The product is built on Ethereum, a public blockchain better known for its cryptocurrency network, but Quorum is removed from the crypto world and allows banks to shield sensitive information. Baldet left and started her own company called Clover earlier this year to develop software that helps start-ups and more-established businesses more effectively use blockchain technology. She’s uniquely positioned to bridge the gaps that now exist.

“I’ve had the opportunity to talk to people who see things very differently,” she says. “Being able to transition back and forth, I can help people understand each other and build stronger products together.

”Linda Pawczuk, U.S. blockchain leader,
Deloitte Consulting Pawczuk has quickly climbed the ladder at Deloitte, where she was recently appointed to lead the company’s blockchain practice in the U.S., just a few months after being elevated to lead the finance blockchain group.

Before that, she led the company’s blockchain efforts in insurance for three years. In the early years, blockchain was too obsessed with “the engine-room stuff,” she said. To make blockchain work, businesses have to do something that doesn’t always come naturally: “They need to work cooperatively with their competition.” Lately, she sees that happening more and more.

“That’s a good signal.”

The Success Indicator

The Success Indicator

Time and again, there are repeats of similarities of successful people versus unsuccessful ones or self-made millionaires vs poor people and such. The infographics above summarizes everything and compares trait by trait for the successful people versus the unsuccessful ones. Right at the top, the character trait is to compliment others while the other side is to criticize others. It is so close to the home of someone that I know having all these negative traits and being too possessive. There are no intelligent social conversations, other than to gossip or talk of others and their weaknesses. If you double click on the infographic above, you can see al the summary which I won’t mention all of them in this blog post.

Afterall, a picture is worth a thousand words. Successful people also easily forgive others while the unsuccessful ones hold a grudge and easily envy others while trying to bring them down to their level of failure. Successful people have a sense of gratitude while the other side has a sense of entitlement!

Successful people read every day, while the unsuccessful people watch tv everyday. In short, rich people have a large library, while poor people have a large tv. Successful people develop goals and plans while the unsuccessful ones do not know what they want to do and do not set goals and secretly hope others fail.

Okay, I can go on and on, but I have to stop here and you can see more details in the infographics, as done by MetEdge, LLC.