Happy Deepavali to my Readers

KLCC Kolam
KLCC Kolam

Happy Deepavali to all my Indian readers here! The kolam above was taken in KLCC Suria at the ground floor recently, during my stay at Mandarin Oriental Hotel for business. The theme is  peacock and you can see the designs similar to the peacock feathers. Peacocks are significant creatures during Deepavali. Most of the kolam theme is based on this magnificent bird.

Mandarin Oriental  Kolam
Mandarin Oriental Kolam

The kolam above was taken at the lobby of Mandarin Oriental Hotel recently. Here is to wishing a festivity of light and success to all, especially the Indians of this nation. Malaysia is a kaleidoscope of cultures of Chinese, Indians and Malays. It is rich in heritage brought down by our forefathers. This tradition has continue for more generations down the line.

Holiday Villa Subang Kolam
Holiday Villa Subang Kolam

This splendid kolam was shot at Holiday Villa Subang hotel during our project visit there. We have existing business project here and while waiting for my colleague, I decided to take the liberty to snap this amazing photo of the peacock kolam. There is a styrofoam design of the life size peacock on this beautiful structure. Enjoy your holidays and merry feasting! I am going to E & O hotel later to have buffet dinner at Sarkies Corner.