How to Nail Instagram Influencer Marketing

When you are running an online business, traffic is key. How do you draw people to your store? Simply put – marketing! And Instagram marketing is one of the most effective e-commerce platforms that owners can use. With live coverage from Jessica of Oberlo, the video is going to breakdown into the following:

1) What it is.
2) How it work.
3) What to do.

Let’s jump into it today. You probably know that new marketing tactics are popping all the time. When you are getting started, it can be tough to focus on which of those marketing tactics to focus on. Instagram Influencer Marketing is one of the most popular marketing tactics today. Before we dive into that, let’s talk about why Instagram is good for e-commerce entrepreneurs. 800 million people use Instagram per month! And the audience is growing by the day. Great news of those influencers is that e-commerce entrepreneurs seek out those brands. Good news is that a huge following of those Instagram followers want to see promotional content. It is such as useful channel for e-commerce entrepreneurs. You can use the channel to acquire the latest customers, and even communicate directly with your fans.

The difficult part is building a huge following for your brand. That is why Instagram Influencers come in and are useful for your marketing. They get fans organically through time and constantly post attractive images on their accounts. Just check out the video above for more information and see what I mean.