Laura – Find a Suitable Model Agency (in Italian and English)

Agenzia modelle corretta: come sceglierla

Diventare una modella – e, in special modo negli ultimi anni, il modello – e’ un sogno che tutti i bambini hanno avuto nella loro vita. D’altro canto i bei vestiti, l’ambiente fashion e prestigioso, la possibilita’ di viaggiare spesso in posti da favola, sono tutti obiettivi a cui chiunque vorrebbe ambire. Per maggiori informazioni su agenzia modelle milano visita il nostro sito.

Un’altra realta’, pero’, riguarda chi sogna di fare la modella o il modello perché solamente richiamato dai rapidi guadagni, senza immaginare che la strada per avere successo in questo mestiere e’ veramente difficile e disseminata di possibili imbrogli.

Per questo motivo la prima cosa che devi fare se aspiri a lavorare in questo campo e’ decidere l’agenzia modelle corretta. Come puoi immaginare, però, si tratta di una scelta delicata e, farsi illudere da false aspettative, a maggior ragione se inizi a muovere i primi passi, è davvero molto facile.

Quello che voglio fare, percio’, in questo articolo, e’ replicare alle domande di chi ambisce approcciarsi nella maniera giusta a questo settore, senza incappare in uno dei tanti squali che, ogni giorno, divorano i sogni di tanti giovani ragazze e ragazzi.? Ecco come scegliere l’agenzia di modelle giusta

Scegliere la giusta agenzia modelle e’ la prima cosa da fare per chi vuole diventare una modella o un modello. Su internet e in tantissime pubblicità, quotidianamente, si possono leggere dei trafiletti che riguardano la ricerca di modelle e modelli e, in generale, di persone da ingaggiare nel mondo degli eventi di prestigio.

L’agenzia di modelle e modelli e’ vitale per chi vuole lavorare in questo mondo, perché sara’ proprio questa azienda a rappresentare i suoi interessi: purtroppo c’e’ da ammettere che molte agenzie piu’ che rappresentare le proprie ragazze e i propri ragazzi spesso rappresentano solo loro stesse.

E allora ti starai chiedendo: “Ma come faccio a scegliere l’agenzia di modelle giusta?”.

Prima di tutto bisogna capire le proprie potenzialità. Non tutti ad esempio possono fare il modello o la modella. Prima di tutto, percio’, e’ determinante impegnarsi su se’ stessi e ragionare sul proprio concreto potenziale, in modo assolutamente imparziale. Lo so, cio’ può essere sfidante, ma e’ fondamentale.

Poi e’ necessario non misurare l’agenzia modelle basandosi sulla sua “grandezza” o al nome. Alcune agenzie sono importanti e molto note e rappresentano benissimo il proprio cliente, altre, invece, molto meno conosciute lo rappresentano addirittura meglio. Cosa voglio dire? Voglio dire che molte volte il grande nome rende difficile entrare, se non impossibile, e poi non e’ sempre una garanzia di successo. Una piccola agenzia, invece, spesso mira di più al singolo modello o sulla singola modella, e lo fa perche’ vuole crederci.

Agenzie modelle: come scongiurare di essere truffati

E’ importante determinare come scongiurare di essere raggirati. Parecchie agenzie di modelle, infatti, non solo infrangono i sogni delle ragazze e dei ragazzi, ma riescono anche a togliergli tanto danaro. Insomma, il rischio maggiore e’ che, oltre al danno, si accompagni anche una sostanziosa beffa.

Conoscere quali sono le agenzie di moda che non sono serie con i loro clienti non è facile per chi sta da poco in questo mondo. Ci sono, pero’, dei campanelli d’allarme importanti.

Una prima cosa che ti accende una spia di allarme e, conseguentemente, ti fa andare via immediatamente, e’ sicuramente la proposta di entrare in agenzia dietro il versamento di una “tassa di entrata” a cui non fanno eco servizi veri e propri. Così sono operative certe agenzie poco serie: scappa via più lontano possibile, perche’ in te non intravedono una nuova star ma un portafogli ambulante. Percio’ il primo consiglio che posso darti, e’ quello di stare lontano dalle agenzie che ti chiedono denaro per rappresentarti.

Un’altra probabile spia che si puo’ accendere circa la serietà di una agenzia, sono i costi. Se pretendono di rifarti il book perche’ vecchio, e’ di sicuro una richiesta consona, pero’, prima di accettare, domanda in giro il costo per un book nella tua città. Se il prezzo definitivo supera di molto i le offerte che hai ricevuto, probabilmente, stanno cercando di guadagnare anche sul tuo book: chi ti dice che non lo faranno anche dopo su qualcos’altro, mettendo da parte i tuoi interessi?

Infine, un’agenzia di modelle come si deve deve offrirti chiarezza: i tuoi servizi fotografici dove andranno a finire? Certe informazioni, un’azienda seria le sa gia’ prima di realizzare un servizio e, assolutamente, non cambia discorso se glielo chiedi. Essere ben introdotti vuol dire trovare persone competenti e che da molto tempo si interfacciano con questo mondo e che conoscono le persone giuste per permetterti di emergere e raggiungere i risultati che ambivi, perche’ l’agenzia seria sceglie solo ragazze e ragazzi su cui vuole davvero investire il proprio tempo in prima persona, ed è solo da cio’ che ne derivano guadagni. Vuoi saperne di più agenzia modelle Firenze? visita il nostro sito.

Chi vuole accedere al mondo del fashion,quindi, prima di incaricare una qualsiasi agenzia modelle, deve prendersi il tempo necessario, pensare alla sua scelta, rivolgersi a piu’ agenzie e non affidarsi chiunque: il treno della moda e della bellezza passa una volta sola nella vita, se non lo prendi rischi di far scomparire per sempre anche il tuo sogno.


English Translation


Correct model agency: how to choose it

Becoming a model – and, especially in the last few years, the model – is a dream that all children have had in their lives. On the other hand, the beautiful clothes, the fashionable and prestigious environment, the possibility to travel often in fabulous places, are all objectives that anyone would like to aspire to. For more information on Milan model agency visit our website.

Another reality, however, concerns those who dream of being a model or model because it is only recalled by rapid gains, without imagining that the road to success in this trade is really difficult and littered with possible scams.

That is why the first thing you need to do if you aspire to work in this field is to decide on the correct model agency. As you can imagine, however, it is a delicate choice and, to be deceived by false expectations, even more so if you start to take the first steps, it is really very easy.

What I want to do, therefore, in this article, is to reply to the questions of those who aspire to approach the right way in this sector, without running into one of the many sharks that, every day, devour the dreams of many young girls and boys. ? Here’s how to choose the right model agency

Choosing the right model agency is the first thing to do for those who want to become a model or a model. On the internet and in many advertisements, on a daily basis, you can read short articles concerning the search for models and models and, in general, for people to be hired in the world of prestigious events.

The modeling agency is vital for those who want to work in this world, because it will be just this company to represent its interests: unfortunately, there are many agencies that more than represent their girls and their children they often represent only themselves.

So you’re wondering, “How do I choose the right modeling agency?”

First of all we need to understand their potential. Not everyone, for example, can be a model or a model. First of all, therefore, it is crucial to engage oneself and think about one’s own potential, in an absolutely impartial way. I know, that can be challenging, but it’s fundamental.

Then it is necessary not to measure the model agency based on its “grandeur” or name. Some agencies are important and well-known and represent their client very well, while others, much less well-known, represent it even better. What I mean? I mean that many times the big name makes it difficult to enter, if not impossible, and then it is not always a guarantee of success. A small agency, on the other hand, often aims more at the individual model or model, and does so because it wants to believe it.

Model agencies: how to avoid being scammed

It is important to determine how to avoid being deceived. In fact, many modeling agencies not only break the dreams of girls and boys, but also manage to take away so much money from them. In short, the greatest risk is that, in addition to the damage, there is also a substantial joke.

Knowing which fashion agencies are not serious with their customers is not easy for those who are just in this world. There are, however, important alarm bells.

A first thing that lights an alarm warning and, consequently, makes you go away immediately, and ‘certainly the proposal to enter the agency behind the payment of an “entry fee” which do not echo real services. This is how certain small agencies are operating: run away as far as possible, because in you they do not see a new star but a walking wallet. So the first piece of advice I can give you is to stay away from the agencies that ask you for money to represent you.

Another probable spy that can be turned on about the seriousness of an agency, are the costs. If they pretend to redo the book because ‘old, and’ certainly a suitable request, but ‘before accepting, demand around the cost for a book in your city. If the final price far exceeds the offers you have received, probably, they are trying to earn even on your book: who tells you that they will not do it afterwards on something else, putting aside your interests?

Finally, a model agency like you should offer you clarity: your photo shoots where they will end up? Certain information, a serious company, already knows it before creating a service and absolutely does not change the subject if you ask it. Being well introduced means finding competent people who have been interfacing with this world for a long time and who know the right people to allow you to emerge and achieve the results you are looking for, because the serious agency only chooses girls and boys it really wants invest your time in the first person, and it is only from what ‘derives earnings. Want to know more Florence model agency ? visit our website.

Who wants to enter the world of fashion, then, before committing any model agency, must take the necessary time, think about his choice, turn to more ‘agencies and not rely on anyone: the train of fashion and beauty passes only once in life, if you do not take the risk of making your dream disappear forever.

6 Blogging Skills You Can Put On Your Resume

6 Blogging Skills you can Put on your Resume

1. Writing

When you blog, you are a writer. Writing is an essential skill that you must have to maintain a blog. Blogging means writing, because what blog article is complete without some words of wisdom on the topic of choice you are discussing? Therefore, the written word is a priority in blogging. Just about any profession, you get into has some form of required writing. So I’m thankful for blogging and writing!

2. Photography

When I first started blogging 6+ years ago, I admit my photography skills were lacking. But wow, how that changed quickly enough. I mean if you look at my early blog articles, I am embarrassed by many of the photos I thought were passable. These days, I can proudly say that my photography has greatly improved. So much so that I can not only operate a DSLR camera, but I can also take some truly gorgeous photos when needed. So, photography is a skill that many bloggers (myself included) can most certainly use on a resume.

3. Web Design

When you blog, you most likely own or run a website. Let’s face it – most businesses now have their own websites. So being able to say that you know how to manage a website is an essential skill to list on a resume.

4. Photoshop

Taking photos is key, as I mentioned. Being able to edit them in Photoshop is also a wonderful skill to have under your belt. As a blogger, many of us know how to use Photoshop for photo editing and more. Photoshop happens to be a skill many current employers look for when they make hiring decisions. So, once again listing this on a resume is a huge bonus.
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5. Social Media/Marketing

As bloggers, we have to put ourselves out there daily. What better way than to share socially on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. Knowing these social media outlets, as well as how to use them for marketing purposes, is also another wonderful skill to have on your resume. Thankfully blogging does help with this one, too.

6. Coding/HTML

This one may not be for all bloggers. However, many of us bloggers do have some knowledge of coding and HTML. Trust me that in this technological business world, possessing even low-level coding and HTML essentials is a great skill to have on your resume.

There you have it with 6 blogging skills that you can most definitely use on a resume for employment!
Which blogging skills can you put on your resume?

– Janine Huldie

8 Things that are a Waste of Time

One of the biggest time waster is watching tv. Rich people have a big library while poor people have a big tv. Also, the lack of priorities makes one unable to achieve any goals in life and just drift along with the flow. Another factor is doing something just because it makes others happy while you are unhappy. This applies mainly to many areas of our lives, namely the choice of course or career that our parents choose for us.

Sometimes, it makes more friends by allowing the other side to win and not trying to win every conversation. Obnoxious people are like this and they have to win every argument. Pride comes before a fall! Constantly complaining will not help, instead, it makes you look weak and helpless, if not childlike. Tell it to the Lord and share your problems with God Almighty who may find the right people for the right solution for you.

Don’t wait for inspiration. Instead, create it. Don’t wait for a job. Create it. Be your own boss. A big mistake is trying to please everybody. You have to be selective and choose who to be nice to. Finally, don’t worry about what other people will say. They are not important. Be thick skin and guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life!

Have Faith in Yourself – Richard Branson

Have Faith in Yourself - Richard Branson

Like the Nike Tagline, “Just Do It!”

Believe it can be done. Have goals and prepare well. Also help each other out. The stronger should help the weaker and likewise the smarter should help the slower ones. It is a life of give and take. You cannot hoard knowledge to yourself without sharing to others and help them up. That is why schools and colleges have professors and supervisors to guide the students to greater heights of success and knowledge.

Have Fun

Have fun while working hard and money will come to you. Don’t waste time and procrastinate. Grab every opportunity that comes your way. Also, have a positive outlook on life. And if it becomes a drudgery, move on. Don’t dwell on something that you are struggling with and instead, work on your strengths. For instance, if programming is something that is hard to master, then dwell on writing articles and blogging which may be easier to make money online.

Be Bold

Calculate the risks and take them. More importantly, believe in yourself. Just like the scriptures, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13. Chase your dreams and goals. Have no regrets of past failures, neither worry about the future. Just live in the present and do your utmost best. Be bold and keep your word and promises. Nobody wants to deal with dishonest persons.

Challenge Yourself

Aim high and try new things. Always try and challenge yourself. Be the best that you can be and don’t compare with others. There are others who are better off while there are others who are worse off than you.

Stand on Your Own Feet

Rely on yourself and God to help you out. Don’t be too dependent on others, for they may disappoint you or give bad advice. Chase your dreams, but live in the real world. And work together. Two heads are better than one.

Live the Moment

Enjoy life and live it to the full. Enjoy the moment while reflecting on your life. Make every second count and don’t have regrets. Also, don’t sleep too much for those who refuse to life a finger, may come to poverty. Make hay while the sun shines and in your best years, work hard before your retirement in your golden years.

Value Family and Friends

Life is about relationships. No one is a island. Hence we need to value family and friends while they are still here. Be loyal. Face problems head on. Money is for making things happen. Pick the right people in your inner circle and reward talent.

Have Respect

Be polite and respectful. Do the right thing. Keep your good name and be fair in all your dealings. Hence the above expound on the info graphic of having faith in yourself by Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin airlines.

Business Email Filtering

Everyone knows what email spam is, and anybody who spends greater than a very little time online has become greater than their share of the stuff. It is the scourge of the web world, and the main one real chink within the armour of the webs first real killer application . . . email. Most of us most likely cannot remember the way we were able to survive without email, and far less of us, remember each day when spam only agreed to be a very cheap and questionable lunch meat consequence. For more information on business email filtering, visit our website today!

Fortunately for all of us internet-citizens, the great mankind has been battling the evil forces of email spam virtually since that first ridiculous email was sent questioning thousands of men’s manhood and potency. Regrettably, spam blocking and spam filtering isn’t an exact science today, and likely won’t be. It always requires a little supervision and feeding in the good users of all individuals email services. Free or else. Let me create a couple of suggestions, regarding steps to make your filters work much better.

Discard Email

Although this suggestion might not be really considered a filter, it’s most likely the very best method of combating personal spam just like any. That could be, a discard current email address. Using the plethora of free email options available, that one is really a no-brainer. It’s usually a good idea, to possess one email account, that you utilize to provide to all individuals website offers and forums that require one before allowing you to use their service. Whenever I join any service that I am not every that acquainted with, I make certain to provide them with my discard email account. I rarely when taking a look account. If sooner or later lower the street I understand the net service or forum than I’ll change my username and passwords to mirror my “real” email account. The main one It’s my job to only share with family, buddies, and reliable sites. Think of this discard email account, as you big spam folder. This method kind of enables you to the filter, with your own good sense like a filter to whom to believe together with your personal email information.

Teaching Your Filter From Wrong

When I pointed out earlier, your spam filters aren’t perfect. They are able to all take advantage of just a little guidance. It is important, not to just delete spam out of your email inbox every day having a vengeance. It’s advisable to flag it as being spam. Most email providers provide this selection somewhere conspicuously shown on email addresses screen. In case your email software does not, then it is here we are at a switch. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, and Excite all provide this functionality. Whenever you flag incoming spam mail as spam, your teaching your email filter to become a better filter. Filters create a best guess in regards to what is spam with the different very complicated set of algorithms running behind the curtain. Every email provider has slightly differed rules to follow, however, the one rule all of them follow is secrecy. They’ll never divulge the way they identify email spam, to anybody, including you, their client. It might reach simply for the spam nobleman for doing things to their advantage. The thing is, that whenever you flag spam, you are making the spam filter just a little smarter for you personally, and for everybody else. Most filters will collect flagging information all their clients, and utilize it as a filter for everyone’s email, not only the initial flagger. So, don’t merely delete your spam, flag it. Want to know more about spam filtering? Visit our website today for more information.

And The Other Way Around

Of course, the alternative holds true. Sometimes filters could be a little too aggressive, and important personal emails you actually need can finish in your spam folder. Make sure to look at your folder once you are studying your email. And, don’t merely move worthwhile emails you discover for your inbox. Inform your filter this really is the real email and not spam. Once more, most email software provides this selection, and whether it does not then proceed to one of the formerly pointed out that do. This works exactly the same way as before and makes your spam filtering much better, and everybody else that uses your email provider.

You never know, after some perseverance in the good citizens of the internet, maybe our grandkids are only going to know spam as that somewhat questionable lunch meat.

Paayi – Your Career and Business Help

Paayi - career and business improvement

Business and career are necessary and play a major part in our lives. We have bills to pay, groceries to buy, and food to put on the table for ourselves and our family. Therefore, formatting a great resume to secure a job is pertinent. After all, there are many other applicants who want that limited job with dozens if not hundreds of applications just for 1 or 2 vacancies. Therefore, you need to have your resume stand out above the rest and be the person that your employer loves to work with.

Be the best in everything you do and excel at it if possible to stay relevant in the company to get confirmed and salary increment. For
career improvement, you might like to check out the link given here as there are many articles of golden nuggets and words of wisdom pertaining to career, jobs and business.

One cannot take his job for granted and not turns up for work and come as and when your mood desires. Missing in action is a no go and a call for retrenchment or being sacked. Most bosses won’t tolerate this type of nonsense but in some cases, some bosses are more understanding and in great need of people and manpower. This is especially so in the construction industry.

As for white collar jobs in the office, executives will definitely be blackmarked if he is MIA (missing in action) and regularly takes MCs (medical certificates) due to illness or just to avoid a nasty boss or supervisor. For those doing business, either full time or part-time, you can check out articles to help your career and business in every way by clicking on the recent link.

Whatever you do, do you best as unto the Lord Jesus. You will be rewarded in due time and the company will prosper under your employment and you need to take the initiative if the culture allows it so that the company can grow and strengthen. This will be rewarding in due time and you will get your bonuses as well to spur you on to continue working harder and not play politics or “tai chi” to avoid nasty situations and put the blame on someone else.

So, there you have it, working hard and working smart is the way to go and thrive in a competitive environment.

20 Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Financial Peace

20 Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Financial Peace

20 Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Financial Peace

1. You attract it easily.
2. Money is not a worry!
3. Money comes quickly and easily to you.
4. Money finds its way to you.
5. Believe.
6. Let it fill it up!
7. Money is there.
8. I set the limits.
9. Money is there for you.
10. You await it.
11. It just arrives when needed!
12. Keep working.
13. You can do it.
14. You make gold.
15. You are capable.
16. You shall eat good from the fruit of your mouth.
17. You live in the land of milk and money.
18. Money surrounds you.
19. Money is no longer a problem to earn by working so hard.
20. More money comes in than it goes out.